Our Products

A Quality products from Devbhoomi Uttarakhand

How it works

Milk Procurement from Farmers:

We source raw milk directly from local farmers residing in the villages of Uttarakhand. This allows us to bring you fresh and healthy milk straight from the villages nestled in the foothills of the great Himalayas. Since the cows or buffaloes graze on the natural grasses and herbs of the Himalayas, their milk boasts a unique quality. Farmers typically milk their cows or buffaloes early in the morning and then transport the milk to collection centers.

Quality Testing:

Upon arrival at the collection centers, the milk undergoes rigorous quality testing. We check various parameters, such as fat content, protein content, acidity, temperature, and microbial load, to ensure it meets our strict quality standards.

Processing and Packaging in Plant:

Milk that passes the quality tests is then processed to create various milk products and different milk variants. This process involves pasteurization, homogenization, standardization, and other necessary procedures. Once all the required procedures are complete, we begin packaging the products according to their variants.

Storage and Distribution:

The packaged milk and other products are stored and transported in temperature-controlled vehicles to maintain freshness throughout the supply chain. This ensures they arrive at retailers or directly to consumers in optimal condition.

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